Half Boneless Wiltshire Uncooked Ham (Gammon Joint)
Introducing our Half Boneless Wiltshire Gammon Joint (Uncooked Ham) - the perfect choice for those who prefer to take matters into their own hands when it comes to cooking a delicious ham. At DukesHill, we understand that for some of you, a ham isn't truly a ham unless you've cooked it yourself. That's why we offer our main types of ham in an uncooked state, allowing you to put your culinary skills to the test and create a masterpiece in your own kitchen. Rest assured, our gammon joints come with cooking instructions, making it easy for even the most novice of chefs to achieve outstanding results. Take control of your ham-cooking destiny with our Half Boneless Wiltshire Uncooked Ham (Gammon). Order yours today and experience the satisfaction of creating a mouthwatering ham that is truly your own masterpiece.
Regular price £58.00